Simple House Drawing Using Python Turtle Graphics

Simple House Drawing Using Python Turtle Graphics

2022-10-28T14:50:23+09:00 Oct 28, 2022|Tinker Stories, 미분류|0 Comments

Student: Kirimi Mathiu

Program: Python Intensive

Date: October 25, 2022

The Python Intensive program is a continuation of the Python Basic program where students delve deeper into the popular Python programming language. Here, Kirimi is sharpening his Python skills using the turtle graphics module.

We encourage our students to create very relatable objects, things found in their day to day lives. For example, a house. Given the different designs of houses in existence, students choose the difficulty level of their designs based on how much they know about the language. 

At the end of the task, Kirimi would have learnt new ways to use the Python language to create something he likes, both visually and technically.

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